Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Shantaneswor Mahadev- Hidden Treasure of Kathmandu Valley

Shantaneswor Mahadev

Have You heard of Shantaneswor Mahadev? Only few of you might have heard about it. Well Shantaneswor Mahadev is one of the temple of Lord shiva, located at south-east of Kathmandu,6  km away from Sathdobato Chowk. Famous for the Temple of Lord Shiva, it is a beautiful place with a stunning view of Kathmandu valley and mountain range around the Kathmandu valley. Early in the morning will be best for sunrise view and sunset as well. The scenery from Shantaneswor is breath taking. The bricks kiln in Kathmandu valley are seen like someone smoking a cigarette. It is best destination for sight seeing and pilgrimage.

shantaneswor mahadev hidden treasure of kathmandu valley
Shantaneswor Mahadev Temple

          Myth about Shantaneswor Mahadev

People believe that those who don't have children will have a children if they worship at  Shantaneswor Mahadev. The hindu script " Shree Swasthani Barta Katha" says that after the death of Parbati, wife of Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva is unable to tolerate the death of beloved wife. He carried her death body anywhere he goes as she was alive. The gods of heaven decided to decay the body of Parbati seeing the condition of Lord Shiva. The myth says that the parts of a body started to fall on earth and  the places where her body part was fell became the holy places of follower of Lord Shiva. The breast part of Parbati is believe to be felled at Shantaneswor. You can come here to worship Lord Shiva. 
shantaneswor mahadev hidden treasure of kathmandu valley
View from Shantaneswor Mahadev

      How To Get There?

     Situated at south-east of Kathmandu valley at the border of Jharuwarasi VDC. It is about 6 km away from Sathdobato Chowk. You can get public vehicle at Lagankhel but the vehicle won't take you to the final destination. You will pass through Sathdobato chowk and Newari community  of Sunakoti Thecho and Chapagaun. After Chapagaun you will get the flavour of entering village passing through fields with crops and bricks kiln. You can reached there there from Godawari as well which is quite long route. As the temple is on the top of hill, you need to climb up 400 steps to reach final destination. The forest around Shantaneswor provides fresh air all the time. If you are planning for family outing or outing with friends, Shantaneswor is best destination as it is near with a great view and important in religious point of view.  

Shantaneswor mahadev hidden treasure of kathmandu valley


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